Preparations for the upcoming Christmas concert of the Stuttgart Oratorio Choir have been in full swing since mid-September. Intensive rehearsals have taken place in the choir so far and there has been the greatest enthusiasm about the special composition of this year’s Christmas programme. Enrico Trummer has chosen exclusively works by the brilliant composer John Rutter – poignant, heart-warming, inspired and masterfully crafted music from the pen of a great artist from the musical capital of the world, London….
It is likely to be a unique evening in this year’s large choral concert programme in the state capital. If you want to save yourself a concert trip to London, it’s best to come to the Leonhardskirche on 17 December. There you can enjoy a „Prom“ concert of a special kind.
Our advance ticket sales start from 10 November.
Would you like to sing with us? Welcome!
There is still the possibility to join the current rehearsal work. To contact us, simply use our form or the telephone number of our musical director given on the home page.