Ruttering is incredible fun!

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Preparations for the upcoming Christmas concert of the Stuttgart Oratorio Choir have been in full swing since mid-September. Intensive rehearsals have taken place in the choir so far and there has been the greatest enthusiasm about the special composition of this year’s Christmas programme. Enrico Trummer has chosen exclusively works by the brilliant composer John Rutter – poignant, heart-warming, inspired and masterfully crafted music from the pen of a great artist from the musical capital of the world, London…. It is likely to be a unique evening in this year’s large choral concert programme in the state capital. If you Lesen Sie mehr …

An extraordinary concert experience (2)

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In taberna The second part, In taberna, is set in a medieval tavern where only men meet. Here one learns about „life on the road“, about „gluttony“ or „feasting“, about „gambling“ including the unpleasant consequences and finally about excessive „boozing“ at the tables. With the vagabond confession Estuans interius Orff put a Verdi-like tearjerker at the beginning. Here the baritone Kai Preußker shone with operatic drama, vocal power and huge vocal range. Preußker showed himself to be sovereign and stirring in all aspects – which in turn provoked enthusiastic applause. To the sighing piano intro, the swan – aka tenor Lesen Sie mehr …

We are rehearsing „properly“ again!

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At the time of the choir rehearsal with Anton Friedrich Thibaut (article picture), corona was just a Latin word. For more than a year now, this word is usually no longer simply translated as „crown“, but many other terms come to mind… The Corona Ordinance of the State of Baden-Württemberg has allowed choirs and orchestras to resume their musical work in presence for a few months now. Impatiently we are now looking forward to the new concert season and announce: The first rehearsal after the summer break will take place on Friday, 10.09.2021 from 19:00. For the time being, we Lesen Sie mehr …